Thursday, January 29, 2009

Flavor of the Week #1

How adorable.

As an artist I of course support other artists and one of my favorite online places for artists to sell their stuff is Etsy. A blog I frequently read, Orange Beautiful, had a feature item the other day from Etsy seller Hydra Heart. These shows are my WANT of the week! I can't wait til I have monies to play with so I can order some!

These are "vegan earth friendly" shoes custom made to your foot. You can choose from a variety of colors and fabrics and if you have special requests the seller will work with you. 


the "Amelie" style

^my favorite!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

new toy

Well hello to loving my fish-eye! I had four rolls developed and they were so fun to look through...I've missed that feeling developing film and not knowing what to expect, you lose that with digital, and even if it's not in the darkroom and at the checkout counter at Walgreens, it's still great! Lots to experiment with this semester to hopefully create a strong portfolio that strays from my usual work. 

Yayyyy here are a few faves.
More to come!

With Katie and Lynette at P&H - hi awkward arms

love! Maggie at her house. Too bad she didn't have film in the camera :(

Lydia in St. Louis

Gavin and Camille

Dan being... Dan

I will be one happy girl come Monday. So be expecting lots of lovey-happy-make-you-wanna-throw-up posts coming up :)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

aye eye captain

I got back my first set of prints from my lomo fish-eye today. Four rolls! They were definitely practice rolls, just to see how the camera shoots, and how it works with certain lighting, etc. There are some great ones! I'm really going to have fun playing with it. I need to work on framing my subjects better, that's for sure! But I got cds along with the prints (no scanning!) so I'll be putting up some favorites before the night's over.

Weather permitting.

We're suppose to get ice and lose power tonight, so here's to hoping that doesn't happen... but if it does that means I get to skip class tomorrow... ohhh those pesky catch-22s.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Let's try this again...

I've been traveling a bit lately.

Subway stop in Jackson Heights


View of the Astoria from Central Park

January 5th - 11th I found myself in New York.
The city is definitely growing on me.
Besides the great buildings, awesome history, cool places, yummy food...
it has some other scenery I'm fond of...

Brian and I at Wicked Willy's on Bleeker

January 17th I found myself in St. Louis for my 23rd birthday

Chicago was back in November...those pictures for next time.
I'm working on a fish-eye project for my Independent study this semester... and I have to start thinking about what I want to do for my Senior thesis...eeeeeekk

currently: The Bachelor
could these girls cry anymore?!?