Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Should I stay or should I go...

Just one photo from a fun and impromptu shoot I did with Charlie last month... go to the flickr site to see more!

And just a little summer action...

Josh and Roxy, originally uploaded by loveaddsPhotography.

Josh and Roxy at the park a few days ago... great way to spend the afternoon :)

I've been busy...

, originally uploaded by loveaddsPhotography.

working away! (attempting to)

Classes start in a week! I hope my Diana F+ will bring me luck for my Senior Show! *fingers crossed*

Wednesday, June 17, 2009



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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I'm here to recruit you

Finally, FINALLY saw Milk last night (after I bought it when I was in NY and never made the time to see it). I watched part of it on the drive to my sisters sunday and finished it last night. What a blubbering mess I was come credits time. Having a sister who is a lesbian, numerous gay friends, and a had a few friends pass away from HIV-AIDs, this movie really hit close to home. It's just incredible what someone could do with being in office only a year. And the drive and passion that these people had and still do have to this day is inspiring. 

"All men are created equal. 
No matter how hard you try, you can never erase those words."

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Cadence Gray

My niece in March...
(courtesy of my sister)
(she turned two January 19th!)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Lomo takes on the Apple!

A few images from my latest trip to NY...

back to reality!

Been gone for a hot minute... or two.

Updates coming!
Pictures of NY soon!

Hopefully I will have St. Patty's stories to share ;)


Saturday, March 7, 2009

the big apple


New York this week.

I will dive into my film-picture-taking head first.

Fisheye. Multiple exposures. Here I come.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Mr. Pink and a Fish

Mr. Pink arrived at my doorstep today! I was so excited to rip open that package. They accidentally left out my ringflash, but I called and they said they would send it out today so I should get it next Monday or Tuesday. The camera is *so* cute! And so lightweight, of course because it's all plastic. But I also ordered the 35mm back to go with it, which that comes with different sizes brackets for a number of options on what kind of photos to take! And it also came with colored gels for the electronic flash. I already took a roll of film with it earlier while there was still some sunlight out, though it was mostly overcast cause a storm is rolling in. But there were some great clouds, so I hope the roll isn't a complete waste. ( I remember the first few times I shot with a 35mm manual I had no idea what the settings meant and my first few rolls were a total waste haha)
I was in the digital photo lab earlier and it took me about 3 hours to print. 

I printed this one out at 14x32in

I printed out smaller versions too, but I made the big one for fun just to see what the effect would be. I've never really worked in such a large scale, my previous photos have just centered around 8x10in or 11x14in. Now it depends on what each teacher says works better (I'm doing this project for two classes).

This one composition took I think about 5 separate images. I can probably get the same effect with fewer images, but I just did it quickly last night. There's still some seams I need to fix, but it's what I have for now until it goes through critique next week.

I can't wait to get the roll developed that I shot with my Diana! Yayyyyyyy!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

rubber ducky, you're the one

This was Cadence (my niece) this past July.

Kinda fitting to show since my sister called earlier and said her new thing is bath-time all the time. My sister can't even say the word "bath" in front of Cadence or she'll freak out and run into the bathroom ready to play. Hahaha. She just turned two in January and watching her grow up is so much fun.

She's such a handful, but so damn cute <3 

Just in time

Finally I'm liking some images that I've gotten 
with my fisheye. I'm definitely sticking with this for the semester!

I was so excited to get these processed today and printed for critique tomorrow. I printed them on Premium Luster Photo Paper, which I'm really liking. It's the first time I've used that type of paper, past classes I've used the Premium Semi-matte.

Now I've just got to experiment with what shots work best with the multiple exposures. Whether it's more landscape type, or if I should include people too. We shall see! 

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

still needing inspiration...

I'm trying to find something inspiring to run after; an idea, feeling, location...

Not only am I doing fisheye project for my independent study, but it was dropped on us last week that we are going to be doing a collaborative show with the graduate students. I met today with my group and we haphazardly threw together ideas. We'll see what we can make of them and if it will be anything substantial... the initial ideas they're going for aren't really my liking, but I guess that's the whole idea is to get out of the comfort zone...

I'm still waiting for my Mr. Pink Diana F+ to arrive. It's been a week now since I ordered it. I bought luster photo paper today, the examples I saw in my digital printmaking class last night I really liked. I think the fisheye images will look great blown up on that kind of paper. 

I need positive energy, positive people, things that make me happy... it'll definitely help me in getting my projects done this semester.

I can't wait  til I get the insurance and tags for my car so I can go on my own excursions......... and possibly not come back.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

and as for spring break...

New York <3
March 8th-14th (tentatively)

A week with Brian is long over due, even if he was just here last week...

I will add that I am very excited to use my new Lomos in NY. In a place like that with all the people and culture I have a lot more room and opportunity to make some great images. So I figure while Brian is off at work I can go off on my own (which I have yet to really do in that city) and explore, appreciate, and take it all in. The last trip up there I was too cold to bother getting my XT out and would just be looking down at the ground anyway while walking cause it was so windy. But not this next time! I'll be braving it. I haven't had to buy film really for a few years now it's going to be a pain spending that much money again so often. 

And don't get me started on how expensive polaroid film is. I have five polaroid cameras that I got at the thrift store not too long ago, but have yet to see if any of them work. *crosses fingers*! 

these aren't wishes! these are "I will have's" :D

Soon I will own:

                                     Lomo Diana F+

                           Lomo Diana F+ Mr. Pink

                                Lomo Fisheye No. 2


I at first wanted the original Diana F+ but perusing more on the site I found the Mr. Pink and then read an article on a Lomo event they recently had in NYC where the Mr. Pink was unveiled and since it is an online-only limited exclusive, it won me over. I already have the hot pink Lomo Fisheye, so why not start a trend.

I am so excited to start this adventure with a new type of photography. Over winter break and at the start of the semester I was worried what my independent study class project would be and then when I started thinking about my senior thesis would be - I kinda panicked. I've been so lost creatively and haven't felt inspired by anything. I haven't felt the need to photograph anything particular. I was bored with what previously excited me. 

Then Kelli got me the hot pink fisheye for my christmas present. I was so surprised, loved it immediately. I didn't think it would turn into anything big, just something silly to play with. I then decided that using a fisheye would be the basis of my independent study project. Not quite sure what direction it would end up, all I knew is that the images would solely be fisheye.

The past could of class meetings for my independent study we have just been going over ideas for what we want the semester project to be. Everyone seemed to have a clear path of what they wanted, what they've been inspired by, and had tons of ideas. It then worried me even more how lost I was and how badly I needed to focus.

This past weekend I have been looking at the Lomo site at all the various cameras, seemingly inexpensive for what they are (granted when the FIRST Lomo's arrived on the scene in the 60s, they could be found for as cheap as $1 !!!). Looking at the cameras and how something so simple, small, and made of plastic could make such beautiful images, I felt a rush of ideas come to me and I knew I had to have these cameras. That in the near future I needed to start shooting and create.

The unfortunate part to all of this is that we no longer (to my knowledge) have a color-film lab at school. I will have to not only get them developed somewhere, but I will have to either get the images on a cd or scan them in (and I'm opting for the cd cause scanning is way too time consuming :[ ). Therefore I will then have to print them digitally. It'll be okay in the end and I'll have great images (I hope) to work with, but it would still be nice to have the option to print them myself, slaving away in the darkroom for hours. But even though they'll have to be printed digitally, I'm going to refrain (try as best I can) not to alter any of them digitally except for sizing. After the first few test rolls with each of the new cameras, I'll have to see if I can get a grasp of how they shoot, etc and see if I can live with that, or if I think there will be an advantage of enhancing them somewhat in Photoshop. But that decision will come later. 

As for now, I'm ordering these cameras and the ringflash (yay!). I may add on another camera, there are so many to choose from! Sigh. 

I'm so happy I finally have a road to follow and can't wait to see what the results will be :D

Oh! A new project in the works after I took a trip to Taco Bell tonight with Camille and Ashley. The outcome will be surprising, random, and fun. Of course I'm not the only person to have ever done it, but really, these days - when is something original, but it will be the first time I have exclusively done a project using this technique. I'm looking forward to it :)

Saturday, February 7, 2009



I thought it got corrupted a few years ago but I just found a couple after I was cleaning up around my room and I was seeing what all was on them and I found the real one from Vienna! So the one I thought was corrupted - well I have no idea what was originally on that but it wasn't Austria!! I'm beyond BEYOND excited to have these! It was my first trip to Europe and I was devestated when I thought I lost the images! I can't wait to look through them, relive the memories, save them to my external hard drive, burn them on dvds (hahaha back up copies are a must) and post them!!


goal for the week was...

to stay awake during a movie.

It was a success!

Brian brought The Prestige and I haven't watched a movie in awhile that really made me think, to the point where I wanted to watch it again to fully understand and appreciate how detailed it was. It wasn't a big blockbuster because it actually had depth, but it was critically acclaimed, and rightfully so. I borrowed it from him on the promise I'd return it when I go back to NY... but I may accidentally forget it...

If you're a fan of: Hugh Jackman, Christian Bale, Scarlett Johanson, Michael Cane, or David Bowie (YES David Bowie is in this) - then go rent it/buy it/come over and watch it with me - it's certainly worth it.

WIR (week in review)

This week Brian came to visit for a few days. With the limited time he was here I tried to show him a few highlights of Memphis...

Graceland (note "Addison" in the lower left, that's me! and "BR" in the upper right is Brian!)

the view from the rooftop of the Madison Hotel

I had to teeter the camera on a table... 

at the HiTone for Dan's birthday - we're so fond of each other

Sun Studio!

so great


owww ow - that microphone is so... historic, haha

The Edge - Camille and I painted a mural... kinda... 

Lydia, Lucia, Camille and I - we had planned on getting dressed up to see some sassy dancers, but that didn't happen :(

we saw our lovely Gavin (Total Savage) instead, performing on Highland

I'll be in New York in a month.

Grammy's viewing showcase at the Hard Rock tomorrow!

Monday, February 2, 2009

when the north invaded the south...

Who won???
We'll see.
In t-minus: 12 hours <3

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Add to the list of movies I need to watch

Irréversible, France, 2002

I've heard great things about this movie and have been wanting to see it for awhile now. There's something about foreign films that just grab me and it's hard to find that in American-made films, for me at least...

Here's a few that I love, that I need to own!

^ This was the first film we watched in my Intro to Film class my freshman year of college

^another one from my Intro to Film class

^I stumbled upon this on tv one day and have yet to see it playing again, it was great and I need a copy! But I've only found super expensive ones...

^ I finally got this for christmas :)

a goal this week is to make it through a movie... 

where I want to be...

Jackson Heights, New York, January 2009


Thursday, January 29, 2009

Flavor of the Week #1

How adorable.

As an artist I of course support other artists and one of my favorite online places for artists to sell their stuff is Etsy. A blog I frequently read, Orange Beautiful, had a feature item the other day from Etsy seller Hydra Heart. These shows are my WANT of the week! I can't wait til I have monies to play with so I can order some!

These are "vegan earth friendly" shoes custom made to your foot. You can choose from a variety of colors and fabrics and if you have special requests the seller will work with you. 


the "Amelie" style

^my favorite!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

new toy

Well hello to loving my fish-eye! I had four rolls developed and they were so fun to look through...I've missed that feeling developing film and not knowing what to expect, you lose that with digital, and even if it's not in the darkroom and at the checkout counter at Walgreens, it's still great! Lots to experiment with this semester to hopefully create a strong portfolio that strays from my usual work. 

Yayyyy here are a few faves.
More to come!

With Katie and Lynette at P&H - hi awkward arms

love! Maggie at her house. Too bad she didn't have film in the camera :(

Lydia in St. Louis

Gavin and Camille

Dan being... Dan

I will be one happy girl come Monday. So be expecting lots of lovey-happy-make-you-wanna-throw-up posts coming up :)